FREE High-Performance Manifesto

Hello, I am Sherry Goldman, LCSW, psychotherapist. Below, you will learn high-performance tools that are key to elevating your mind, body, and overall performance levels.

This Manifesto is written specifically for success-minded people seeking to make the most of their lives. However, the information is relevant to anyone wanting to enjoy life more, mind and body.

Despite your successes, do you still have this nagging need for ‘something more’?

It’s not often talked about, but many high performers experience intense suffering after they have become successful. You often keep it to yourself and blame yourself for not being more grateful.

This inner conflict creates a lot of self-doubt, shame, and disillusionment. This is part of why success becomes very isolating.

But it’s not your fault!

What you are experiencing is a technical issue and not a personal failure. You have capitalized on your success skills, but they are only half the equation for enjoying a great life experience.

You need the other half of this equation to love your life. The skills you don’t yet have are not at all difficult, but for some reason, they are elusive, almost secretive.

These tools enable you to grow and expand, help you live more authentically, perform to your highest levels, and make your highest impact.

In the next few paragraphs, I will describe these powerful tools and then show you how to apply them immediately.

First: We start with Super Powers.

We all have Super Powers, and they are essential for two reasons.

  1. They are the best, easiest natural way to feel authentic, like your truest self.
  2. They are the easiest way to trigger Flow States.

What exactly are Super Powers? Super Powers are innate abilities that we are born with. They are things that we are great at and excel at without even trying. We all have many of them.

It is important not to confuse a Super Power with a skill. We develop skills through practice and hard work. Super Powers are abilities we are born great at it. Super Powers don’t go away; we keep them forever.

Unfortunately, many of us have no idea what our Super Powers are.

What makes Super Powers tricky to recognize is that they come so naturally that we don’t often realize we are using them. And because they come so easily, we assume everyone can do what we can do. This is why we often overlook them and take them for granted.

For example, some Super Powers of mine are physical strength, grace, stamina, rhythm, concentration, and high energy. Can you see why I naturally loved and excelled at both dance and running?

So, what are your Super Powers?

To begin unraveling this mystery, think back to your childhood. What activities did you love as a kid?

Did you use your imagination and pretend you were a great daydreamer? Did you love puzzles, playing team sports, doing martial arts, pulling things apart and then putting them back together, drawing, doodling, taking off on your bicycle, hanging out in the woods, singing, reading, or an instrument? Today which of these activities still please you?

If you could do anything for fun, what would it be?

When are you most in the zone, what things do you do just because?

These things are not as silly or childish as you may think. They are real clues to your Super Powers.

When we watch an Olympic Skier doing something incredible, we are watching them use a bunch of their Super Powers. Skiing is not the actual Super Power. They may have been born with superb balance, keen spatial awareness, muscle strength, fast twitch muscles, fast reflexes, a tremendous ability to jump, mental grit, and a high-risk tolerance.

An elite artist may have Super Powers that include a deep understanding of color, strong hand-eye coordination, an ability to be still, heightened imagination, joy in attending to details, powerful visual skills, and very strong fine motor skills.

An introverted person who loves lots of quiet time, with a natural ability to recognize patterns, and who finds numbers interesting and fun, may thrive as an excellent computer programmer.

Someone with innate charisma, who feels at home talking to groups of people, with strong verbal skills, who thinks fast on their feet, and who easily senses how others feel may love becoming a teacher, salesperson, motivational speaker, or actor.

If our careers are not based on our Super Powers but instead on the more marketable skills we have developed, then we must make sure we are using our Powers in other parts of our lives. We could sing in a choir.  Play an instrument in an orchestra. Live where we can ski on weekends. Paint murals. Rescue dogs. Coach a kids’ sports teams, etc.

Using our Super Powers is essential because it is how we feel most authentic, like our true selves. The more we use them, the more they bring us a deep internal sense of satisfaction.

A second reason it is essential to know and use your Super Powers is because they are the easiest ways to get into the Zone.

Technically, when we get into the Zone, we are in Flow States.

Second: What is a Flow State, and why is it so important?

When we see athletes performing in ways that seem super-human, they are in a Flow State. When we are in a Flow State, we can perform dramatically higher than at any other time, both mind and body.

We are all capable of getting into Flow. In fact, it occurs spontaneously when we are out in nature, see a rainbow, listen to great music, hold a baby, etc.

Advances in neuroscience have proven the reality of Flow States and how they positively impact the brain. While in Flow, the brain is flooded with six great-feeling neurochemicals: endorphins, dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, anandamide, and serotonin. No drug has this power.

While in Flow, time either goes very fast or very slow. We become totally focused, and the world around us disappears. We feel exceptionally blissed out.

This mind-altering state enables us to perform at real-life, ultra-human levels. We can become 500% more productive.

We can learn to self-induce Flow States.

A person in Flow will always outperform someone who is relying on effort.

In addition, it has been researched that getting into Flow-States more often leads us to experience life as more deeply meaningful.

Flow States has been proven to make us 500% more productive. Who doesn’t want that??

And, one of the easiest ways to reliably trigger Flow is to use your innate Super Powers regularly.

Three Phases to self-induce Flow States: 

Phase 1:

  1. Review your childhood and list out those activities you did for pure joy.
  2. Which of them would you still enjoy today, even if you don’t think you can still do them?
  3. From this list, weed out the Super Powers behind them, things like imagination, pattern recognition, intuition, rhythm, hand-eye coordination, etc.
  4. See how you are still using those Super Powers today. Or discover how you are craving some expression of them.
  5. In small and big ways, start making sure you are using these Super Powers daily, weekly, and monthly as much as possible. Starting small is fine, but start!

Phase 2:

  1. Notice times when you are naturally in Flow, when you are in the Zone. (If you notice that it rarely happens, this is important.)
  2. Linger in these natural Flow States. Milk them out.
  3. Can you replicate or self-induce them?

Phase 3:

  1. Daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly, plan how you are going to use Super Powers to trigger Flow States.
  2. Daily plans are shorter and simpler: Nuzzle your face while petting your dog and milk out the joy of it.
  3. Yearly plans are more involved. Ex: Rent a house on the ocean and ritualize watching the daily sunrises and sunsets.

This manifesto is yours!

In summary, you have learned you were born with Super Powers and you keep them your entire life. They are ways that you naturally excel, and they make you feel authentic, like your true self, when you use them. They are also the easiest ways to get into Flow States.

In Flow States, your brain is flooded with six great-feeling, high-performance neurotransmitters. You can become 500% more productive, and they create deep feelings of meaning and connectedness.

Following the outlined Three Phases above, you can begin using your Super Powers to trigger Flow States and reaping the rewards of these high-performance states.

To dive deep into this work together…

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